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Naha Temperature in May

Travel Friend, ZenTech

Temperature graph of Naha in May (Temperature in May,2008 and mean value from 1971 to 2000)
Temperature graph of Naha in May
Naha Temperature datas in May
DateAverage Temperature (30 years)
High / Low (°C)
Temperature in May,2008
High / Low (°C)
1st, May25.7 / 20.726.7 / 21.0
2nd, May25.7 / 20.726.0 / 22.0
3rd, May25.8 / 20.827.9 / 21.4
4th, May25.9 / 20.928.2 / 19.5
5th, May26.0 / 20.925.3 / 20.8
6th, May26.0 / 21.024.7 / 17.5
7th, May26.1 / 21.123.0 / 17.9
8th, May26.1 / 21.126.6 / 21.0
9th, May26.2 / 21.227.5 / 20.6
10th, May26.3 / 21.226.7 / 22.4
11th, May26.3 / 21.326.2 / 21.3
12th, May26.4 / 21.326.4 / 21.2
13th, May26.4 / 21.326.3 / 20.1
14th, May26.4 / 21.424.0 / 19.2
15th, May26.4 / 21.424.3 / 19.7
16th, May26.4 / 21.426.2 / 21.3
17th, May26.4 / 21.527.3 / 21.2
18th, May26.4 / 21.527.1 / 21.9
19th, May26.4 / 21.526.5 / 22.8
20th, May26.4 / 21.626.0 / 20.0
21th, May26.5 / 21.626.1 / 16.9
22th, May26.5 / 21.726.6 / 22.1
23th, May26.6 / 21.828.9 / 24.1
24th, May26.7 / 21.930.1 / 24.9
25th, May26.7 / 22.030.1 / 24.8
26th, May26.8 / 22.129.7 / 25.2
27th, May26.9 / 22.330.7 / 25.6
28th, May27.1 / 22.430.3 / 25.9
29th, May27.2 / 22.530.4 / 24.2
30th, May27.3 / 22.628.6 / 24.6
31th, May27.4 / 22.725.7 / 23.3
Data source is Japan Meteorological Agency, The mean value is data of 30 years in the past from 1971 to 2000.

To the top (Naha Temperature in May)
Naha Temperature

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