日本 富山縣 地圖 相關網站

立山, 黑部, 宇奈月 ]  [ 富山市 ]  [ 礪波及五箇山 ]  [ 高岡 ] 
富山旅行指南 / 指南地圖
富山旅行指南 (富山縣政府) official Web-site.
指南地圖, 旅行指南, 活動掛曆, 富山影像館, 富山百景, 相關網站
TOYAMA Prefecture Infomation
TOYAMA Prefecture official Web-site.
Location Map is here.
立山, 黑部, 宇奈月 (Tateyama, Kurobe, Unazuki Area)
黑部峽谷鐵道 / 沿線嚮導
黑部峽谷鐵道株式會社 official Web-site.
車費、時刻表, 車票嚮導和預訂方法, 沿線嚮導, 交通嚮導, 乘車嚮導
立山黑部阿爾卑斯山脈路線 officialguide website.
立山黑部介紹, 四季可觀覽的景色, 交通, 住宿、周邊旅遊, 旅遊信息
Kurobe Map
Kurobe City official website.
About the City of Kurobe, Sightseeing Points, Tourism and Leisure, Pure Water, Living, Links
新大谷酒店集團 official website.
客房預約, 飯店簡介, 交通, 客房, 客房價格, 餐廳設施, 宴會設施
宇奈月溫泉站: 步行3分鐘
富山機場: 開車50分鐘
富山市 (Toyama City)
Toyama City
Toyama City official website.
Location, History, Industries.
Toyama Sightseeing Guide
Toyama City official website.
Festival & Events (Owara Kaze no Bon etc.), View, Leisure facilities, Historic relics, Cultural facilitie, Ski, Spa, Special product
The Museum of Modern Art, Toyama : Location map
The Museum of Modern Art, Toyama official website.
Map link is "How to visit museum".
General, Collection (20th Century Art from Toulouse-Lautrec, Picasso, Rouault, Chagall and others, Shuzo Takiguchi), Exhibition, Education.
TOYAMA AIRPORT : Terminal map
Japan Airlines (JAL) official website.
JAL Group has decided to suspend services between Toyama and Tokyo and between Toyama and Okinawa after March 31, 2006.
Toyama Excel Hotel Tokyu Map
Tokyu Hotels official Web-site.
In front of JR Toyama Station.
Table of basic room rates, Map & Parking Infomation.
APA Hotel Group official Web-site.
JR railway sta. : Drive 5 minutes from JR Toyama Sta.
Car : Drive 15 minutes from Toyama I.C. on the Hokuriku Expressway.
Airport : Drive 20 minutes from Toyama Airport.
礪波及五箇山 (Tonami, Gokayama Area)
UNESCO official website.
World Heritage : Historic Villages of Shirakawa-go and Gokayama.
The Historic Villages of Gokayama
Nanto City (Taira Village) official website.
Traditional Houses is the Gassho Style Ogimachi, Shirakawa-mura Ainokura, Taira-mura Suganuma, Kamitaira-mura.
五箇山 照片 (日本語)
Toga Village
Nanto City (Toga Village) official website.
Outline of Toga Village, Discount Ticket to the 3 Attractions, Sister City relations of Toga Village (Tukuche - Nepal, Delphi - Greece, Musashino City - Tokyo), Public Transport to Toga Village.
Inami Map
Nanto City (Inami Town) official website.
Sightseeing Points : The Grounds of Zuisenji Temple, YOKAMACHI Street, Inami Woodcarving Composite Hall, Takase Shinto Shrine, Takase Historic site (National Historic site).
Tonami City
Tonami City official website.
Tulip, Welcome to an idyllic village, Sister cities of tonami (Lisse, Keukenhof, Yalova, Panjin).
礪波 鬱金香 博覽會 (Tonami Tulip Fair) 照片 (日本語)
Tonami Royal Hotel
DAIWA ROYAL HOTELS official website.
Infomation, Facilities, Access
APA Hotel Group official Web-site.
JR railway : Take the Hokuriku Line to JR Takaoka Sta., then transfer to the Johana Line. Get off at JR Tonami Sta. and walk 1 minute.
Car : Drive 5 minutes from Tonami I.C. on the Hokuriku Expressway.
高岡 (Takaoka Area)
Takaoka Location
Takaoka wide region business association official website.
Location of wide region, Traffic Access, Model plan, Festival infomation, Event calendar, Accommodation.
Sightseeing Points : Zuiryu-ji Temple (National treasures), Himi Kaihin Botanical Gardens
雨晴海岸 (Amaharashi Coast) 照片 (日本語)
國寶 瑞龍寺 (Zuiryu-ji Temple) 照片 (日本語)
新大谷酒店集團 official website.
客房預約, 飯店簡介, 交通, 客房, 客房價格, 餐廳設施, 宴會設施
JR線高岡站 : 步行5分鐘
富山機場: 開車40分鐘, 小松機場: 開車70分鐘

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