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Map of Kofuku-ji Temple

Map of Kofuku-ji Temple
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Kofuku-ji Temple
  1. National Treasure Museum (Site of Refectory) / 国宝館 (食堂跡), Kokuhō-kan (Jiki-dō ato)
  2. East Golden Hall / 東金堂, Tōkon-dō
  3. Five-story Pagoda / 五重塔, Gojyū-no-tō
  4. Temporary Golden Hall / 仮金堂, Kari Kon-dō
  5. Site of Central Golden Hall / 中金堂跡, Chukon-dō ato
  6. Site of Scripture house / 経蔵跡, Kyo-zō ato
  7. Site of Belfry / 鐘楼跡, Shorō ato
  8. Site of Central gate / 中門跡基壇, Chu-mon ato kidan
  9. Site of Great Southern Gate / 南大門跡, Nandai-mon ato
  10. North octagonal Hall / 北円堂, Hoku'en-dō
  11. Site of West Golden Hall / 西金堂跡, Seikon-dō ato
  12. Kōzen-in temple / 興善院, Kōzen-in
  13. South octagonal Hall / 南円堂, Nan'en-dō
  14. Belfry / 鐘楼, Shorō
  15. Fudō-dō Hall / 不動堂, Fudō-dō
  16. Three-story Pagoda / 三重塔, Sanjyū-no-tō
  17. Headquarters of Kofuku-ji temple / 本坊, Honbō
  18. Large bath house / 大湯屋, Oyuya
  19. Bodai-in temple Omi-dō Hall / 菩提院大御堂, Bodai-in Omi-dō
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