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Map of Suganuma Gassho-zukuri village

Map of Suganuma Gassho-zukuri village, Gokayama, Nanto city, Toyama Prefecture
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Tourist spot of Suganuma Gassho-zukuri village (菅沼合掌集落)
  1. Suganuma Bus stop / 加越能バス 菅沼バス停, Kaetsuno bus Suganuma basutei
  2. Suganuma village view place / 菅沼展望広場 and 菅沼観光駐車場, Suganuma Tenbo hiroba and Suganuma Kanko cyusyajo
  3. Gokayama Folk Museum / 五箇山民俗館, Gokayama minzoku-kan
  4. Gassho-no-Sato of Gokayama / 五箇山合掌の里, Gokayama Gassho-no-Sato : Accommodations using Gassho-zukuri house
Photograph of Suganuma Gassho-zukuri village (view from Hida-Gassho Line (Route 156))
Suganuma Gassho-zukuri village

To the top (Map of Suganuma Gassho-zukuri village)
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