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Kochi Hotel

Travel Friend, ZenTech

Kochi City (高知) is a city located in a southern part of Shikoku. It is the seat of the Prefectural government in Kochi Prefecture. It is a city that developed as a bourg in the Tosa clan in Edo period.
Losinn Hotel Kochi / ホテルロスイン高知 (City, 3 stars)
This hotel is Located in Shikoku, the fourth largest island in Japan and accessible by plane or ferry from the mainland Honshu Island. The hotel is also situated in the inland city centre, opposite to JR Kochi Station.
Holiday Inn Kochi / ホリデイ イン 高知 (Kochi, 3 stars)
The Holiday Inn Kochi is the main entrance way to Kochi and is surrounded by major scenic attractions such as Ryuga Cave, Katsurahama Beach and Harimaya Bridge as well as many golf courses.
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