The property is situated in the very centre of プラハ, in one of the most appreciated historical parts of the city called Mala Strana, and is within walking distance from many interesting sights.
The ホテル offers accommodation in 16 rooms and 6 suites, all of which are nicely decorated and provided with numerous in-room amenities.
Guests can savour a variety of Czech and international delicacies in the relaxed atmosphere of the onsite restaurant and later enjoy a fine drink at the lobby bar.
The U Krize ホテル also offers a well-equipped meeting room that cater for your celebrations, parties, graduation ceremonies, presentations and other occasions.
ホテル名 | U Krize ホテル・プラハ U Krize Hotel Prague |
都市 | プラハ(Prague) |
エリア | プラハ1区 旧市街 |
格付け | 3つ星 |
客室 | ケーブル/衛星放送付きテレビ、客室内の貴重品用の金庫、ミニバー、モデム/データポートの接続、専用のバスルーム/エンスイート、電話 |
ホテルの設備 | カクテルバー、会議設備、両替、ファックス、駐車場、レセプション、レストラン、セーフティーボックス |
住所 | Ujezd 20 110 00 Prague 1 |